Ambassador Resource Library – Search All

Ambassador Resource Library – Search All

Type – Article

Kindness In Action: Empathy & CompassionPut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Why is Kindness Important?
Learning About the Evolution of Human Kindness by Studying Our Closest RelativesStudying bonobos and chimpanzees help scientists learn how humans evolved …
Personal Responsibility and Responsible Decision-Making
Book & Workbook List (all ages – kids through adult) / GDB
Strategies for Teaching Kids & Teens How to Connect with OthersUse these strategies to encourage kids and teens to foster …
The positive impact of Character Development for Kindergarten to 8th Grade Students-technical-report
Self Navigation (Self Management) at Home – Espanol -Aperture Education
Self Navigation (Self Management) at Home – Aperture Education
Self Awareness at Home – Espanol – Aperture Education
Self Awareness at Home – Aperture Education
Optimistic Thinking at Home – Espanol – Aperture Education
Social Awareness at Home – Espanol – Aperture Education
Social Awareness at Home – Aperture Education
Self Awareness at Home – Aperture EducationPromoting-SEL-at-Home-SelfA
Mirror Mirror – A Research Study on Self Awareness in ChildrenMirror, Mirror on the Wall Increasing Young Children’s Honesty Through …
The Science Behind the Magic of our Kindness Matters 365 CurriculumThe science behind the magic of our Kindness Matters 365 …
Helping OthersHelping Others by Shari Kline Many of you may be …
Social AwarenessSocial Awareness by Laura Reiss Social awareness is the ability …
Using GDB (not CBD) to Get Exactly What You Want Using GDB (not CBD)                  to Get Exactly What You …
Laura Reiss Honored – L’Oreal Women of Worth 2018Laura Reiss, the Founder of Kindness Matters, has been awarded …

Type – CKE

Take Home: Optimistic Thinking
Intro to Understanding and Respecting Others Powtoon 
Intro to GratitudeIntroduction to the topic of the month.
Gratitude PowtoonIntroduction to the topic of the month.
What is Gratitude?
KM365’s Under the HoodLearn all about Kindness Matters 365!  
Kindness to Yourself Powtoon
Toxic Positivity vs Tragic OptimismAll in the Mind Podcast: Toxic Positivity, When Happiness Becomes …
Monthly Topics
Rosetta Stone: KM365’s Monthly Topics
Future Self; An Intro to Goal-Directed Behavior (CASEL)
Intro to Social Awareness (CASEL)
Self-Management (Self-Navigation) Introduction from CASEL
Optimistic Thinking
I Am Responsible for Me
CKE: Responsible Decision-Making
Responsible Decision Making (CKE and Intro To Topic)
Intro To Personal Responsibility
Goal Directed Behavior Intro PowtoonThis 45-second quick clip gives a great overview of GDB…super …
Zoom Tips & TricksThis video is a collection of basic Zoom Tips and …
Intro to Relationship SkillsFor Ambassadors and parents, this video from CASEL and PBS …
Social Awareness In Students’ WordsFrom Transforming Education, middle and high school students speak about …
Taking a Read on our ReactionsThis activity helps us visualize if our reactions to situations …
Intro to Self-Navigation 1
Empowering Education 2020Please enjoy this re-play of our incredible Empowering Education 2020 …
Be-Do-HaveExpert therapist Marianne Altschul speaks about shifting our way of …
Intro to Self-Navigation 2
Intro to KM365 Powtoon
SEL in KM365 Programming powtoon (SUPERCHARGE!)
Self Awareness Powtoon
Intro to KM365 – What’s Your Why
Self Awareness: A Casel Video

Type – Intro to Topic

Monthly Topics Video 
Intro to Reflection 
Introduction to Optimistic Thinking 
Introduction to Compassion Pow Toon 
Intro to Understanding and Respecting Others Powtoon 
Intro to Self Navigation PowToon    
Intro to GratitudeIntroduction to the topic of the month.
Gratitude PowtoonIntroduction to the topic of the month.
Gratitude VideoAn inspirational video all about gratitude.
What is Gratitude?
Kindness to Yourself Powtoon
The Things I Can Control PosterDisplay the “Things we can Control” poster. Review situations and …
Compassion Scenarios Middle/HighBrainstorm or role-play with the students about different ways they …
Compassion Scenarios ElementaryBrainstorm or role-play with the students about different ways they …
Weather Mood ChartUse this chart to help navigate your feelings.
Compliment StartersGreat activity to get the students interacting! Have the students …
Self Navigation (and your thermometer)In this 6 minute clip, Shari Kline explains how we …
Kindness to Yourself 
Connection and Community summary pic
Empathy and Compassion summary pic
Self Kindness summary picS
Introduction to Personal Responsibility with Melissa Cohen
Toxic Positivity vs Tragic OptimismAll in the Mind Podcast: Toxic Positivity, When Happiness Becomes …
Gratitude summary pic
Self Navigation summary pic
Self Awareness summary pic
Monthly Topics
Kindness Rock GardenAdvanced club members can try a rock-wrapping as a variation …
Intro to Topic: Reflection
Reflection Summary Pic
Reflecting on our Year
Intro to Responsible Decision-Making
Optimistic Thinking (TedxYouth)
Optimistic Thinking
Intro to Personal Responsibility
Learning about Responsibility in Mr. Omar’s ClassroomThis post is only available to members.
Personal Responsibility: The Impact of Individual Action & Inaction
LighthouseWhat happens when we encounter difficulties carrying out our responsibilities? …
Being Responsible
I Am Responsible for Me
Book on Video: I’ll Do It!
CKE: Responsible Decision-Making
Responsible Decision Making (CKE and Intro To Topic)
Intro To Responsible Decision-Making
Responsible Decision-Making
Personal Responsibility & Decision-Making: Own Our Choices
Personal Responsibility = Having Control of Your Life
Personal Responsibility: What If?
Intro To Personal Responsibility
Goal Directed Behavior Intro PowtoonThis 45-second quick clip gives a great overview of GDB…super …
Intro To Topic: Goal-Directed Behavior; 2nd & 3rd GradesFrom SmallTalk by CBC Kids via YouTube
Intro to Topic: Goal-Directed Behavior; 2nd & 3rd GradesFrom Storytime with Annie & Rocco via YouTube
Intro to Topic: Goal-Directed Behavior — Setting Goals; 4/5th & 6th-8th GradesFrom Rocket Kids/YouTube
Responsible Decision-Making summary pic
Intro to Topic: Goal-Directed Behavior; PreK – 1st GradesSesame Street’s introduction to planning (from YouTube).
Personal Responsibility summary pic
Goal Directed Behavior summary pic
Intro to Social Awareness, 2nd & 3rd Grades
Intro to Relationship SkillsFor Ambassadors and parents, this video from CASEL and PBS …
Relationship Skills: Help Each OtherFrom PBS Kids Learning Media.
Relationship Skills: Celebrating our DifferenceesFrom PBS Learning Media, learn how our differences make us …
Intro to Relationship Skills: Building Relationships with Diverse Individuals and GroupsFrom Lessons for SEL, this introduction to relationship skills focuses …
Intro to Relationship Skills: Meaningful Relationships with PeersFrom Lessons for SEL, this introduction to relationship skills, focuses …
Social Awareness In Students’ WordsFrom Transforming Education, middle and high school students speak about …
Taking a Read on our ReactionsThis activity helps us visualize if our reactions to situations …
Intro to Self-Navigation 1
Self-Awareness Introduction, 2nd-3rd Grades
Optimistic Thinking: The Power of YetSesame Street and Janelle Monae teach us about the Power …
Social Awareness Intro, Grades 4 – 8 
Intro to Self-Navigation 2
Introduction to Optimistic Thinking
Intro to KM365 Powtoon
SEL in KM365 Programming powtoon (SUPERCHARGE!)
Self Awareness Powtoon
Intro to KM365 – What’s Your Why

Type – Kindness Captured

Kindness in Action-Summer RechargePut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Kindness Captured: Corona Finds (Rand)SFL teen Blake Rank creates a website to help people …
Kindness Captured: Sammie’s Buddy BenchKindness Captured of elementary student phenom Sammie creates a program …
Kindness Captured: Andrew & Bucks for BuddyKindness Captured as the amazing 14 year old Andrew G …
Kindness Captured: Dylan R helps in her schoolAMazing teen Dylan R. helps by creating a program in …
Some Good News Episode 3watch Some Good News for Inspiration and Joy Click here …

Type – Meeting Plan

Monthly Topics Video 
Intro to Reflection 
Sample Meeting Plan: Personal Responsibility
Intro to Understanding and Respecting Others Powtoon 
Kindness In Action: Self NavigationPut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Sample Meeting Plan: Self Navigation
Sample Meeting Plan: Gratitude
Intro to GratitudeIntroduction to the topic of the month.
Create your own Meeting PlanMeeting-plan-template
Sample Meeting Plan: Self-Awareness
Sample Meeting Plan: Connection and Community
Sample Meeting Plan: Summer Recharge
Kindness in Action-Summer RechargePut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Sample Meeting Plan: Reflection
Sample Meeting Plan: Personal Responsibility
Sample Meeting Plan: Compassion
Sample Meeting Plan: Optimistic Thinking
Sample Meeting Plan: Compassion
Sample Meeting Plan: Understanding and Respecting Others
Sample Meeting Plan:Understanding and Respecting Others
Sample Meeting Plan: Self Navigation
DIY SELF NAVIGATION Meeting Powerpoint TemplateTo download and edit this template, click here. Self Navigation …
Sample Meeting Plan: Kindness to Yourself
Sample Meeting Plan: Why Does Kindness Matter?
Meeting Plan GRATITUDE
Sample Meeting Plan: Gratitude
Personal Responsibility Activity, 4th & 5th Grades
Reflection Meeting Plan TemplateDownload a modifiable template here.
Engagement Strategies for Virtual ClubsVirtual clubs are new for both Ambassadors and participants. Need …
Sample Meeting Template: Designing a Long Term Service Project 
Reflection Questions Middle and High School
Reflection Questions PreK – 1st Grade
Reflection Questions 2nd – 3rd Grade
Reflection Questions 4th – 5th Grade

Type – Take Homes

Connection and Community Take-Home
Take Home: Recharge
Take-Home: Why Does Kindness Matter?
Take Home: Kindness to Yourself
Take Home: Personal Responsibility
Take Home: Compassion
Take Home: Reflection
Take Home: Personal Responsibility
Kindness In Action: Personal ResponsibilityShow your kindness in action with activities all about Personal …
Take Home: Optimistic Thinking
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting OthersPut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Take Home: Self Navigation
TAKE HOME: Understanding and Respecting Others
Connection and Community summary pic
Empathy and Compassion summary pic
Self Kindness summary picS
Why Kindness Matters summary pic
Gratitude summary pic
Summer Recharge – Restore and Reconnect summary pic
Understanding & Respecting Each Other summary pic
Self Navigation summary pic
Self Awareness summary pic
Optimistic Thinking Summary Pic
Reflection Summary Pic
SEL@ Home: Personal Responsibility/ Helping Each Other
SEL @ Home: Personal Responsibility
Activities @ Home: Setting Goals
SEL @ Home: Ideas for Parents (Goal-Directed Behavior)
Responsible Decision-Making summary pic
Take Home (Social Awareness) 
Take Home (Self-Awareness)
Take Home (Intro to KM365 / Importance of Kindness)
Intro to KM365 Powtoon
SEL in KM365 Programming powtoon (SUPERCHARGE!)
Self Awareness Powtoon
Intro to KM365 – What’s Your Why
Optimistic Thinking at Home – Aperture Education
Self Navigation (Self Management) at Home – Espanol -Aperture Education
Self Navigation (Self Management) at Home – Aperture Education
Self Awareness at Home – Espanol – Aperture Education
Self Awareness at Home – Aperture Education
Optimistic Thinking at Home – Espanol – Aperture Education
Social Awareness at Home – Espanol – Aperture Education
Social Awareness at Home – Aperture Education
Self Awareness at Home – Aperture EducationPromoting-SEL-at-Home-SelfA
Self Awareness: A Casel Video
The Science Behind the Magic of our Kindness Matters 365 CurriculumThe science behind the magic of our Kindness Matters 365 …

Type – Project Idea

Reflection BagsShare a bag with someone in the community to encourage …
School Supply DriveOrganize a school supply donation drive.
What does KINDNESS mean?As a group, create a definition of what kindness means.
Kindness JournalParticipants will create a Kindness Journal to be used at …
Skittles Kindness GameGet to know your members by playing this fun interactive …
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness MattersPut your kindness into action with activities focusing all about …
Kindness in Action: Self AwarenessPut your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self …
Kindness In Action: ReflectionPut your Kindness Into Action with activities all about Reflection! …
Kindness In Action: Personal ResponsibilityShow your kindness in action with activities all about Personal …
Kindness in Action: Optimistic ThinkingPut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Random Acts of Kindness Week  Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week …
Kindness In Action: Empathy & CompassionPut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting OthersPut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Create a Kindness BenchThe bench can become a symbol of friendship to all …
Take Home: Self Navigation
Kindness In Action: Self NavigationPut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Calm Down SpaceCreate a  space that can help students ground themselves so …
Mindful Coloring SheetPrintable  sheet for mindful coloring.
Create a Calming JarA calming jar helps to teach us how to control …
Gratitude JournalJot down  what your are grateful for each day.
Gratitude PromptsJournal prompts to help promote gratitude.
KM 365 Gratitude ChallengeStart your month with a daily dose of gratitude.
Kindness Into Action: GratitudePut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Anti-Bullying PledgeTake the pledge to stand up against bullying. Students can …
Kindness to Yourself Intro ProjectCreate a list of various ways you can take care …
Kindness Into Action: Self KindnessTake a look at different activities to help promote self …
Kindness In Action- Connection and CommunityPut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
Kindness in Action-Summer RechargePut your kindness into action with activities that focus on …
“I Am” Bookmarkby decorating a mandala bookmark. “I am” statements help us …
Mental Health Challenge for High SchoolAddressing mental health is more than simply writing in a …
Mental Health Challenge for ElementaryAddressing mental health is more than simply writing in a …
Kindness In Action-Reflection
Personal Responsibility Super PowersThe kids will decorate their superhero by writing/drawing different ways …
Gratitude MandalaCreate Gratitude Mandalas reminding students to turn to gratitude and …
Cereal 4 AllStart a collection drive! If you live in Palm Beach …
Compassion Scenarios Middle/HighBrainstorm or role-play with the students about different ways they …
Compassion Scenarios ElementaryBrainstorm or role-play with the students about different ways they …
Compassion CupsStudents will work together in order to reinforce the concept …
Compassion RainbowStudents will work together to create a big poster of …
Sneaker Activity“No Matter Our Differences, We all Walk Together”. Students will …
Puzzle Piece ActivityUse this activity to help show diversity and acceptance.
Getting to Know You QuestionsUse these questions with any getting to know you activity.
Compliment StartersGreat activity to get the students interacting! Have the students …
Wheel of ActionStudents will create their own Wheel of Action to help …
Be the “I” in KINDA fun and interactive bulletin board or activity emphasizing kindness.
I Am Statements
Gratitude ChallengeEach day during the month of November, answer on of …
Kindness Skittles Game
Gratitude PosterCreate a GRATITUDE poster. Kids can draw, write, clip and …
Gratitude Scavenger HuntLet’s find gratitude! Whether this Scavenger Hunt is done physically …
I AM wheelCreate your own “I AM” Wheel as a part of …
Grateful Gratitude List  Think about what you are grateful for and complete …
Caring for AnimalsTake time this month to care for our animals friends.
Gratitude and Community BuildingTake time to celebrate, express gratitude and reinforce the community …
Gratitude JarGift a gratitude jar or keep one for yourself.
Honoring Service Members and First RespondersTake time to honor not only veterans, but active service …
Becoming An UpstanderUpstanders take action to prevent and stop bullying.
Capture KindnessRecognize the kind acts happening all around you.
Hunger Awareness and ActionHunger and food insecurity are year-round problems in our communities …
Fostering Belonging and Community  The beginning of a new school year is the …
Index Card TowersThis community building activity has groups create building “blocks” by …
Social Media in Real LifeUse the concept of social posts/followers/comments to encourage club members …
Crayon Initiative – KM365 Social Media Flyer (Main Page)
Summer Series for KindnessSchool may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and …
Kindness KitsBuild a portable kindness kit for Gratitude, Compassion, and Kindness …
Social Wellness MonthJuly is Social Wellness Month. Strengthen your relationships with friends …
Say Something Nice DayJoin in National Say Something Day on June 1st.
Share A LaughLaughter brightens the day! Use this template to share jokes …
Sweet SurpriseUse this card to leave anonymous “pick-me-ups” for friends, family, …
Gratitude CardsDownload this template to use when writing notes of gratitude.
Welcoming the New Kidfrom Mind Yeti Also availalbe en español
The Crayon InitiativeThe Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and …
Support LiteracyThe Literacy Coalition is a not-for-profit organization committed to ensuring …
BHYAAF Art Contest Details
The Crayon Initiative Donation Flyer – ClubThe Crayon Initiative Flyer_2
Cereal4ALLJoin in our annual cereal drive in collaboration with cereal4all.
Bricks Busting Boredom Donation DriveCollect and donate new and used Lego sets to local …
Hospital CheerHelp spread kindness by writing letters to children in the …
Scatter KindnessSpread kindness like confetti! Leave encouraging messages around for friends, …
Gratitude Day  Look for those kind acts today and give a …
Peace PledgeEncourage your club members to internalize the message of the …
Plant a Flower DayBeautify your surroundings with native plants.
Respecting Our SpaceThank the teacher/school/organization that is sharing their space for your …
School Bulletin Board L.E.A.D.Make a bulletin board in a common area dedicated to …
Creating SpaceProblem-solving for our animal neighbors. NOTE:  Long-term project.
Peace FlagsSend good wishes out into the world with a string …
Kindness Rock GardenAdvanced club members can try a rock-wrapping as a variation …
Affirmation Vision BoardUse positive images and messages to build your vision for …
Random Acts of Kindness JarTrack random acts you’ve performed or received. Get inspiration from …
Cards for Kids ProjectA take on Project: Hospital Cheer, the purpose of this …
Cards for Hospital WorkersRemind your local hospital workers (don’t forget sanitation staff/volunteers/receptionists, etc.) …
Gratitude JournalA regular gratitude practice has positive effects on our physical …
Community PosterThis project is designed to positively affirm your community. Bonus:  …
Beach Clean UpWhile designed for with an ocean view in mind, this …
Hello CardsLearning how to say “hi” to others in their language …
Optomistic Thinking Match GameDesigned to promote Optimistic Thinking,
Pay It ForwardFind ways to spread kindness throughout your world with some …
DIY Flea Deterrent Spray (Dogs)Help our canine friends stay pest-free. Please remind participants to …
Building Block ActivityThis project helps participants to understand the cumulative effects of …
Mindful Journal PromptsCreate a deck of prompts to use with a mindfulness …
Earth Day WorksheetA printable worksheet to help celebrate Earth Day.
Crumpled ReminderThis activity is useful to practice admitting mistakes, thinking about …
Animal Aid | Educating OthersParticipants will work with a local organization to learn how …
Random Act of Kindness CardUse this printable Random Acts of Kindness card or create …
Cereal4All FlyerUse this flyer template for Cereal4All’s  donation drive. Please be …
Goal-Setting TemplateA simple template to help create goals.
Journal PromptsChoose a prompt or two for use during your meetings …
Color Wheel ActivityDecorate and create a color wheel to describe feelings and …
Cheer for Service MembersInvite local veterans to visit your club.
A Wrinkled HeartTo help demonstrate the impact of hurtful words, this is …
Secret Compliments (In Person)Participants will give secret compliments to other participants.
Secret Compliments (Virtual)Participants will share secret compliments virtually.
TRASH INTO TREASUREThis activity looks at the effect of discarded items on …
CREATING OUR OWN COMMUNITY PROJECTThis activity will take several meetings and is designed for …
Project: Toothpaste – The Power of Your WordsThis activity demonstrates the power of our words.
Kindness ROCKS!Decorate rocks of kindness to illustrate how small acts of …
Take a ComplimentCreate compliments to tear off for a kind and joy-filled …
Project: Making Dog Toys from Old Tee ShirtsCreate dog toys out of old clothes.
Houses for ChangeAn introduction to homelessness and a way to help.
Kind Notes to teachersCome take a peek when a SFL middle school KM365 …
ELMS Kind Notes Video 2019Eagles Landing Middle School Kindness Matters 365 club shares kind …

Type – Quote

Compassion is an Action WordWhat does this mean to you?!
Quote: World Repair Begins with Your Self CareThis is a favorite quote from KM365 Founder, Laura Reiss. …
QUOTE: Aspire to Do Something Worthwhile
QUOTE: Human Responsibility

Type – Speaker

Your 5 PeopleWatch this quick clip of Laura Reiss and consider – …
Self Navigation (and your thermometer)In this 6 minute clip, Shari Kline explains how we …
Gratitude with Jolie O 
Your Self Care 8 
Kindness to Yourself 
Resilience in Difficult TimesMusician and composer, Jon Batiste, speaks about about finding the …
What is Mindfulness?This introduction to mindfulness is geared toward high schoolers.
Under Pressure: An Introduction to MindfulnessUse this video as an introduction to the benefits of …
Service Organization Ideas
Happy Chemicals (Dido Balla)4 minutes of amazingness as Dido Balla shares how all …
In Jacob’s ShoesThe mission of In Jacob’s Shoes is to provide new …
Be Like Brit (the Britsionary Experience)Join us for a quick video about a group of …
Houses for ChangeAn introduction to homelessness and a way to help.
Houses for Change (supporting Family Promise homeless effort)Quick video about supporting Houses for Change, an organization that …
Forgotten Soldiers OutreachLearn about the Forgotten Soldiers Organization and why it’s important …
Taking Time to self regulate (Dr. Andrew Reiss)This is a great discussion piece to Self-Navigation (Self-Regulation) for …
Be-Do-HaveExpert therapist Marianne Altschul speaks about shifting our way of …
Responsible Decision Making with Congressman Ted Deutch & Mayor Scott SingerAmazing interview-style discussion with Congressman Ted Deutch and Mayor Scott …
Social Awareness with Craig Duncan3 minutes of awesomeness with Craig Duncan on Social Awareness …
Optimistic Thinking by Fro Pro’s Matt & Chelsea
Goal Directed Behavior with NFL TN Titans GREG JOSEPHGoal Directed Behavior as shared by NFL TN TItans kicker, …
Kindness Captured: Corona Finds (Rand)SFL teen Blake Rank creates a website to help people …
Kindness Captured: Sammie’s Buddy BenchKindness Captured of elementary student phenom Sammie creates a program …
Kindness Captured: Andrew & Bucks for BuddyKindness Captured as the amazing 14 year old Andrew G …
Kindness Captured: Dylan R helps in her schoolAMazing teen Dylan R. helps by creating a program in …
Personal Responsibility (John Magee, Kindness Coach)5 1/2 minutes of awesomeness on Personal Responsibility from our …
Palm Beach County Food Bank
How to Cultivate Optimism (Dido Balla)

Type – Tool

Swiftie Check-inOn the Taylor Swift Scale…How are you feeling?
Winter Check InA fun way to check-in looking at different snow people …
Rose Check-InUse this activity as a three-part check-in to have students …
The Mood TreeTake a minute to get connected and check in on …
Feather BreathingTake a minute to get connected before beginning the meeting …
Create a Calming JarDecorate a plastic jar or bottle; then fill half the …
Take a Mindful BREAKTake a minute to get connected before beginning the meeting.
Which Chair are You Sitting in Today?Take a minute to get connected before beginning the meeting. …
Breathing BoardsPractice taking deep breaths in and out by following the …
How are you today?Ask the kids how they are feeling? Take a minute …
5,4,3,2,1 Breathing ActivitySlow Down and Calm Down. Have the students Take 3 …
Four Directions BreathingHave students take deep breaths while looking in different directions.
How Are You Feeling Today?Take a minute to get connected before beginning the meeting. …
Check Your BatteryTake a minute to get connected with the “Check Your …
Hot Cocoa BreathingHave students take deep breaths while visualizing a cup of …
Positive Self TalkHave students check in and determine how they are feeling …
Butterfly HugsBreathing exercise for self regulation.
Weather Mood ChartUse this chart to help navigate your feelings.
Compliment StartersGreat activity to get the students interacting! Have the students …
Pixar Feeling’s Check-InUse the Inside Out Check-in at the beginning of your …
Compassion is an Action WordWhat does this mean to you?!
Quote: World Repair Begins with Your Self CareThis is a favorite quote from KM365 Founder, Laura Reiss. …
Checking In With Emojis
Mental Health Check InUsing this graphic, kids can share how they are feeling …
Check In – How Are You Feeling?Have participants check-in with emojis.
Connection and Community summary pic
Empathy and Compassion summary pic
Self Kindness summary picS
Share A LaughLaughter brightens the day! Use this template to share jokes …
Sweet SurpriseUse this card to leave anonymous “pick-me-ups” for friends, family, …
Being Thankful for Naturefrom Mind Yeti Also available en español
Hello Gratitude Mindfulness Toolfrom MindYeti Also available en español
Welcoming the New Kidfrom Mind Yeti Also availalbe en español
The Crayon Initiative Donation Flyer – ClubThe Crayon Initiative Flyer_2
Cereal4All Flyer (2022)Cereal4all Flyer
BricksBustingBoredom DonationBin PrintOut
Why Kindness Matters summary pic
Gratitude summary pic
Summer Recharge – Restore and Reconnect summary pic
Understanding & Respecting Each Other summary pic
Self Navigation summary pic
Self Awareness summary pic
Haiti Relief Flyer September 2021Save a copy of this flyer to modify it for …
Personal PlaylistCheck-in Activity: What song best represents me right now? What …
Superpower Check-InGive participants one of the following prompts to use as …
Now Showing: What Movie Am I Today?Check-In Activity:  Choose from the following visuals to help participants …
Personal Weather Report
Cultivating Joy in Your LifeNeed a little joy in your life?  Using this Joy …
Glow & Grow TemplatePerfect for helping club members reflect upon areas where they …
Mindfulness Tool: Doodling
Mindfulness Tool: Art Therapy
Year In Review TemplateHelp your club members create a keepsake for their year …
Earth Day WorksheetA printable worksheet to help celebrate Earth Day.
Decision-Making Worksheet
9: Responsible Decision-Making Sample Worksheet; 2nd & 3rd GradesFor use with our Sample Meeting Plan.
Spoken Word: A High School Adaptation of the Peace Pledge
Check-In: Count Me Down
Check-In Activity: Emoji MeWhich emoji best describes you today?
Check-In Activity: Meme ItChoose the meme that best describes how you feel today.
Guided Relaxation with Ocean ViewOne of our High School Ambassadors created this 60 second …
Tips for Successful Goal-Setting
Goal-Setting TemplateA simple template to help create goals.
Count it Out: Self-Navigation Strategy (preK)In this video from Noggin’s Peppa Pig, we learn an …
Check-In ActivitiesCheck-In gives us the opportunity to “read the room” at …
Engagement Strategies for Virtual ClubsVirtual clubs are new for both Ambassadors and participants. Need …
Self-Navigation StrategiesUse this list to help club members choose techniques they …
Music Playlist for MeetingsSuggested background music for meetings .
What is Mindfulness?This introduction to mindfulness is geared toward high schoolers.
Under Pressure: An Introduction to MindfulnessUse this video as an introduction to the benefits of …
Taking a Read on our ReactionsThis activity helps us visualize if our reactions to situations …
Three Part Breath
Journal PromptsChoose a prompt or two for use during your meetings …
Cat Cow Seated YogaThis practice is particularly useful between class periods when learning …
Becoming Present Breathing ExerciseThis breathing exercise is from The Psychology and Philosophy of …
Service Organization Ideas
Guided Meditation w/Goldie Hawn
Tool: Combo self-awareness self-regulation (speedometer/balloon breath) Altschul2 minute breathing exercise from Marianne Altschul. Check your “internal …
Check In! Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down30 second check in by Marianne Althschul. How are you …
Tool: Internal SpeedometerTake 45 seconds to measure your internal speed for self …
TOOL Hands Heart and Belly Breath (Rapperport) 
TOOL: Alternate Nostril Breathing (Altschul)2 minute, alternate breathing.
Hand to Heart Belly Breath (short version – Georgie)
Tool: Hands to Heart Belly Breath (Georgie)2 minutes with Georgie
Alternate Nostril Breathing w/Explanation (Altshul)(4 min) Explanation included as an intro to Alternate Nostril …
Tool: breathing and movement (Georgie)2:42 minutes
Tool: Breathing and Movement (shoulder roll / Georgie) 
Tool: Breathing and Movement / Shift Energy (Glickman) 
Tool: breathing for peace (Weiner)
Tool: breathing and movement (Hasselman)
Tool: Box Breathing w/Chase