Addressing mental health is more than simply writing in a gratitude journal or getting enough sleep…navigating our ups and downs can be supported by mindfully practicing lots of self-care habits. Check this challenge out to add more daily habits to support your own mental health through body and brain chemistry!
Author: Jamie Mavrides
Kindness In Action-Reflection
May 1, 2023
Age - Adult & Parent
Breathing Boards
May 1, 2023
Age 2nd - 3rd Grade
Practice taking deep breaths in and out by following the lines with their fingers. While breathing, have relaxing/ calm music playing in the background.
Personal Responsibility Super Powers
April 2, 2023
Age 2nd - 3rd Grade
The kids will decorate their superhero by writing/drawing different ways that they can demonstrate personal responsibility. Since we are all different, we may/ will have different superpowers.
Sample Meeting Plan: Personal Responsibility
April 2, 2023
Age - College