Skittles Kindness Game
Get to know your members by playing this fun interactive game! You can use anything that has 5 different colors
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Kindness Into Action: Gratitude
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on gratitude.
Anti-Bullying Pledge
Take the pledge to stand up against bullying. Students can use the attached pledge or create one of their own.
Self-Kindness Intro Project
Create a list of various ways you can take care of your mental and physical health.
Kindness Into Action: Self Kindness
Take a look at different activities to help promote self kindness.
Kindness In Action- Connection and Community
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Kindness to others and the world through community connection and
Kindness in Action-Summer Recharge
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on ourselves as we reconnect with our intention and goals.
“I Am” Bookmark
by decorating a mandala bookmark. "I am" statements help us to affirm who we are, who we aspire to be
Personal Responsibility Super Powers
The kids will decorate their superhero by writing/drawing different ways that they can demonstrate personal responsibility. Since we are all
Gratitude Mandala
Create Gratitude Mandalas reminding students to turn to gratitude and feelings of hope when they are feeling disappointed, overwhelmed, or
Cereal 4 All
Start a collection drive! If you live in Palm Beach County, collect boxes of cereal for Cereal4All. Put Your Kindness
Compassion Cups
Students will work together in order to reinforce the concept of compassion. Students can design individual coffee cups . Then
Compassion Rainbow
Students will work together to create a big poster of Kindness Clouds out of individual, hand cut outs. The clouds
Sneaker Activity
"No Matter Our Differences, We all Walk Together". Students will create an individual sneaker to represent themselves. Afterwards, Ask the
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Let's find gratitude! Whether this Scavenger Hunt is done physically or we think about our responses, the effect will be
I AM wheel
Create your own "I AM" Wheel as a part of exploring self awareness! Get inspiration from this ETSY item by
Grateful Gratitude List
Think about what you are grateful for and complete the list using magazines and pictures..
Gratitude and Community Building
Take time to celebrate, express gratitude and reinforce the community you are building! At the end of the year or
Honoring Service Members and First Responders
Take time to honor not only veterans, but active service members and first responders as well.
Hunger Awareness and Action
Hunger and food insecurity are year-round problems in our communities look at what you can do to help bring awareness
Fostering Belonging and Community
The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to focus on Fostering Community and Belonging, making your
Index Card Towers
This community building activity has groups create building "blocks" by finding things they have in common.
Social Media in Real Life
Use the concept of social posts/followers/comments to encourage club members to build community "in real life."
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
Social Wellness Month
July is Social Wellness Month. Strengthen your relationships with friends and loved ones. Take time to make a new friend.
Share A Laugh
Laughter brightens the day! Use this template to share jokes with neighbors, family members, and friends. Find kid-friendly joke suggestions
Sweet Surprise
Use this card to leave anonymous "pick-me-ups" for friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Attach to flowers, treats, bubbles, artwork...
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Support Literacy
The Literacy Coalition is a not-for-profit organization committed to ensuring that every resident of Palm Beach County, Florida is able
Bricks Busting Boredom Donation Drive
Collect and donate new and used Lego sets to local children's hospitals, homeless shelters, and emergency shelters across the United
Scatter Kindness
Spread kindness like confetti! Leave encouraging messages around for friends, family and neighbors to find.
Peace Pledge
Encourage your club members to internalize the message of the peace pledge and share it with their classmates. Middle School/High
Respecting Our Space
Thank the teacher/school/organization that is sharing their space for your meetings.
School Bulletin Board L.E.A.D.
Make a bulletin board in a common area dedicated to the School Officer(s)
Kindness Rock Garden
Advanced club members can try a rock-wrapping as a variation on rock-painting. (Do an internet search for "rock wrap" videos.)
Affirmation Vision Board
Use positive images and messages to build your vision for your future. This project can be done for oneself, family,
Random Acts of Kindness Jar
Track random acts you've performed or received. Get inspiration from others' random acts of kindness. Keep a jar at home,
Cards for Kids Project
A take on Project: Hospital Cheer, the purpose of this project is to create positive affirmations for those in the
Cards for Hospital Workers
Remind your local hospital workers (don't forget sanitation staff/volunteers/receptionists, etc.) that the community is grateful for their expertise and efforts.
Gratitude Journal
A regular gratitude practice has positive effects on our physical and mental well-being, even when we keep those grateful thoughts
Community Poster
This project is designed to positively affirm your community. Bonus: Leave space for community members to contribute to the poster.
Hello Cards
Learning how to say "hi" to others in their language is a great way to be welcoming. Human connection starts
Building Block Activity
This project helps participants to understand the cumulative effects of stress in our days and what happens when we don't
Random Act of Kindness Card
Use this printable Random Acts of Kindness card or create your own. Leave an acknowledgment of the kindness created and
Cereal4All Flyer
Use this flyer template for Cereal4All's donation drive. Please be sure to notify Ambassador Support ( that you will be
Journal Prompts
Choose a prompt or two for use during your meetings or distribute the entire list for club members' personal use.
A Wrinkled Heart
To help demonstrate the impact of hurtful words, this is an activity to use with the book "Chrysanthemum".
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness ROCKS!
Decorate rocks of kindness to illustrate how small acts of kindness can have big effects on people and their community.
Kind Notes to teachers
Come take a peek when a SFL middle school KM365 club wrote and delivered kind notes to their teachers. Be
ELMS Kind Notes Video 2019
Eagles Landing Middle School Kindness Matters 365 club shares kind notes with teachers
Skittles Kindness Game
Get to know your members by playing this fun interactive game! You can use anything that has 5 different colors
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Kindness Into Action: Gratitude
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on gratitude.
Anti-Bullying Pledge
Take the pledge to stand up against bullying. Students can use the attached pledge or create one of their own.
Self-Kindness Intro Project
Create a list of various ways you can take care of your mental and physical health.
Kindness Into Action: Self Kindness
Take a look at different activities to help promote self kindness.
Kindness In Action- Connection and Community
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Kindness to others and the world through community connection and
Kindness in Action-Summer Recharge
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on ourselves as we reconnect with our intention and goals.
“I Am” Bookmark
by decorating a mandala bookmark. "I am" statements help us to affirm who we are, who we aspire to be
Personal Responsibility Super Powers
The kids will decorate their superhero by writing/drawing different ways that they can demonstrate personal responsibility. Since we are all
Gratitude Mandala
Create Gratitude Mandalas reminding students to turn to gratitude and feelings of hope when they are feeling disappointed, overwhelmed, or
Cereal 4 All
Start a collection drive! If you live in Palm Beach County, collect boxes of cereal for Cereal4All. Put Your Kindness
Compassion Cups
Students will work together in order to reinforce the concept of compassion. Students can design individual coffee cups . Then
Compassion Rainbow
Students will work together to create a big poster of Kindness Clouds out of individual, hand cut outs. The clouds
Sneaker Activity
"No Matter Our Differences, We all Walk Together". Students will create an individual sneaker to represent themselves. Afterwards, Ask the
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Let's find gratitude! Whether this Scavenger Hunt is done physically or we think about our responses, the effect will be
I AM wheel
Create your own "I AM" Wheel as a part of exploring self awareness! Get inspiration from this ETSY item by
Grateful Gratitude List
Think about what you are grateful for and complete the list using magazines and pictures..
Gratitude and Community Building
Take time to celebrate, express gratitude and reinforce the community you are building! At the end of the year or
Honoring Service Members and First Responders
Take time to honor not only veterans, but active service members and first responders as well.
Hunger Awareness and Action
Hunger and food insecurity are year-round problems in our communities look at what you can do to help bring awareness
Fostering Belonging and Community
The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to focus on Fostering Community and Belonging, making your
Index Card Towers
This community building activity has groups create building "blocks" by finding things they have in common.
Social Media in Real Life
Use the concept of social posts/followers/comments to encourage club members to build community "in real life."
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
Social Wellness Month
July is Social Wellness Month. Strengthen your relationships with friends and loved ones. Take time to make a new friend.
Share A Laugh
Laughter brightens the day! Use this template to share jokes with neighbors, family members, and friends. Find kid-friendly joke suggestions
Sweet Surprise
Use this card to leave anonymous "pick-me-ups" for friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Attach to flowers, treats, bubbles, artwork...
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Support Literacy
The Literacy Coalition is a not-for-profit organization committed to ensuring that every resident of Palm Beach County, Florida is able
Bricks Busting Boredom Donation Drive
Collect and donate new and used Lego sets to local children's hospitals, homeless shelters, and emergency shelters across the United
Scatter Kindness
Spread kindness like confetti! Leave encouraging messages around for friends, family and neighbors to find.
Peace Pledge
Encourage your club members to internalize the message of the peace pledge and share it with their classmates. Middle School/High
Respecting Our Space
Thank the teacher/school/organization that is sharing their space for your meetings.
School Bulletin Board L.E.A.D.
Make a bulletin board in a common area dedicated to the School Officer(s)
Kindness Rock Garden
Advanced club members can try a rock-wrapping as a variation on rock-painting. (Do an internet search for "rock wrap" videos.)
Affirmation Vision Board
Use positive images and messages to build your vision for your future. This project can be done for oneself, family,
Random Acts of Kindness Jar
Track random acts you've performed or received. Get inspiration from others' random acts of kindness. Keep a jar at home,
Cards for Kids Project
A take on Project: Hospital Cheer, the purpose of this project is to create positive affirmations for those in the
Cards for Hospital Workers
Remind your local hospital workers (don't forget sanitation staff/volunteers/receptionists, etc.) that the community is grateful for their expertise and efforts.
Gratitude Journal
A regular gratitude practice has positive effects on our physical and mental well-being, even when we keep those grateful thoughts
Community Poster
This project is designed to positively affirm your community. Bonus: Leave space for community members to contribute to the poster.
Hello Cards
Learning how to say "hi" to others in their language is a great way to be welcoming. Human connection starts
Building Block Activity
This project helps participants to understand the cumulative effects of stress in our days and what happens when we don't
Random Act of Kindness Card
Use this printable Random Acts of Kindness card or create your own. Leave an acknowledgment of the kindness created and
Cereal4All Flyer
Use this flyer template for Cereal4All's donation drive. Please be sure to notify Ambassador Support ( that you will be
Journal Prompts
Choose a prompt or two for use during your meetings or distribute the entire list for club members' personal use.
A Wrinkled Heart
To help demonstrate the impact of hurtful words, this is an activity to use with the book "Chrysanthemum".
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness ROCKS!
Decorate rocks of kindness to illustrate how small acts of kindness can have big effects on people and their community.
Kind Notes to teachers
Come take a peek when a SFL middle school KM365 club wrote and delivered kind notes to their teachers. Be
ELMS Kind Notes Video 2019
Eagles Landing Middle School Kindness Matters 365 club shares kind notes with teachers
Skittles Kindness Game
Get to know your members by playing this fun interactive game! You can use anything that has 5 different colors
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Kindness Into Action: Gratitude
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on gratitude.
Anti-Bullying Pledge
Take the pledge to stand up against bullying. Students can use the attached pledge or create one of their own.
Self-Kindness Intro Project
Create a list of various ways you can take care of your mental and physical health.
Kindness Into Action: Self Kindness
Take a look at different activities to help promote self kindness.
Kindness In Action- Connection and Community
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Kindness to others and the world through community connection and
Kindness in Action-Summer Recharge
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on ourselves as we reconnect with our intention and goals.
“I Am” Bookmark
by decorating a mandala bookmark. "I am" statements help us to affirm who we are, who we aspire to be
Personal Responsibility Super Powers
The kids will decorate their superhero by writing/drawing different ways that they can demonstrate personal responsibility. Since we are all
Gratitude Mandala
Create Gratitude Mandalas reminding students to turn to gratitude and feelings of hope when they are feeling disappointed, overwhelmed, or
Cereal 4 All
Start a collection drive! If you live in Palm Beach County, collect boxes of cereal for Cereal4All. Put Your Kindness
Compassion Cups
Students will work together in order to reinforce the concept of compassion. Students can design individual coffee cups . Then
Compassion Rainbow
Students will work together to create a big poster of Kindness Clouds out of individual, hand cut outs. The clouds
Sneaker Activity
"No Matter Our Differences, We all Walk Together". Students will create an individual sneaker to represent themselves. Afterwards, Ask the
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Let's find gratitude! Whether this Scavenger Hunt is done physically or we think about our responses, the effect will be
I AM wheel
Create your own "I AM" Wheel as a part of exploring self awareness! Get inspiration from this ETSY item by
Grateful Gratitude List
Think about what you are grateful for and complete the list using magazines and pictures..
Gratitude and Community Building
Take time to celebrate, express gratitude and reinforce the community you are building! At the end of the year or
Honoring Service Members and First Responders
Take time to honor not only veterans, but active service members and first responders as well.
Hunger Awareness and Action
Hunger and food insecurity are year-round problems in our communities look at what you can do to help bring awareness
Fostering Belonging and Community
The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to focus on Fostering Community and Belonging, making your
Index Card Towers
This community building activity has groups create building "blocks" by finding things they have in common.
Social Media in Real Life
Use the concept of social posts/followers/comments to encourage club members to build community "in real life."
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
Social Wellness Month
July is Social Wellness Month. Strengthen your relationships with friends and loved ones. Take time to make a new friend.
Share A Laugh
Laughter brightens the day! Use this template to share jokes with neighbors, family members, and friends. Find kid-friendly joke suggestions
Sweet Surprise
Use this card to leave anonymous "pick-me-ups" for friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Attach to flowers, treats, bubbles, artwork...
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Support Literacy
The Literacy Coalition is a not-for-profit organization committed to ensuring that every resident of Palm Beach County, Florida is able
Bricks Busting Boredom Donation Drive
Collect and donate new and used Lego sets to local children's hospitals, homeless shelters, and emergency shelters across the United
Scatter Kindness
Spread kindness like confetti! Leave encouraging messages around for friends, family and neighbors to find.
Peace Pledge
Encourage your club members to internalize the message of the peace pledge and share it with their classmates. Middle School/High
Respecting Our Space
Thank the teacher/school/organization that is sharing their space for your meetings.
School Bulletin Board L.E.A.D.
Make a bulletin board in a common area dedicated to the School Officer(s)
Kindness Rock Garden
Advanced club members can try a rock-wrapping as a variation on rock-painting. (Do an internet search for "rock wrap" videos.)
Affirmation Vision Board
Use positive images and messages to build your vision for your future. This project can be done for oneself, family,
Random Acts of Kindness Jar
Track random acts you've performed or received. Get inspiration from others' random acts of kindness. Keep a jar at home,
Cards for Kids Project
A take on Project: Hospital Cheer, the purpose of this project is to create positive affirmations for those in the
Cards for Hospital Workers
Remind your local hospital workers (don't forget sanitation staff/volunteers/receptionists, etc.) that the community is grateful for their expertise and efforts.
Gratitude Journal
A regular gratitude practice has positive effects on our physical and mental well-being, even when we keep those grateful thoughts
Community Poster
This project is designed to positively affirm your community. Bonus: Leave space for community members to contribute to the poster.
Hello Cards
Learning how to say "hi" to others in their language is a great way to be welcoming. Human connection starts
Building Block Activity
This project helps participants to understand the cumulative effects of stress in our days and what happens when we don't
Random Act of Kindness Card
Use this printable Random Acts of Kindness card or create your own. Leave an acknowledgment of the kindness created and
Cereal4All Flyer
Use this flyer template for Cereal4All's donation drive. Please be sure to notify Ambassador Support ( that you will be
Journal Prompts
Choose a prompt or two for use during your meetings or distribute the entire list for club members' personal use.
A Wrinkled Heart
To help demonstrate the impact of hurtful words, this is an activity to use with the book "Chrysanthemum".
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness ROCKS!
Decorate rocks of kindness to illustrate how small acts of kindness can have big effects on people and their community.
Kind Notes to teachers
Come take a peek when a SFL middle school KM365 club wrote and delivered kind notes to their teachers. Be
ELMS Kind Notes Video 2019
Eagles Landing Middle School Kindness Matters 365 club shares kind notes with teachers
Skittles Kindness Game
Get to know your members by playing this fun interactive game! You can use anything that has 5 different colors
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Kindness Into Action: Gratitude
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on gratitude.
Anti-Bullying Pledge
Take the pledge to stand up against bullying. Students can use the attached pledge or create one of their own.
Self-Kindness Intro Project
Create a list of various ways you can take care of your mental and physical health.
Kindness Into Action: Self Kindness
Take a look at different activities to help promote self kindness.
Kindness In Action- Connection and Community
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Kindness to others and the world through community connection and
Kindness in Action-Summer Recharge
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on ourselves as we reconnect with our intention and goals.
“I Am” Bookmark
by decorating a mandala bookmark. "I am" statements help us to affirm who we are, who we aspire to be
Personal Responsibility Super Powers
The kids will decorate their superhero by writing/drawing different ways that they can demonstrate personal responsibility. Since we are all
Gratitude Mandala
Create Gratitude Mandalas reminding students to turn to gratitude and feelings of hope when they are feeling disappointed, overwhelmed, or
Cereal 4 All
Start a collection drive! If you live in Palm Beach County, collect boxes of cereal for Cereal4All. Put Your Kindness
Compassion Cups
Students will work together in order to reinforce the concept of compassion. Students can design individual coffee cups . Then
Compassion Rainbow
Students will work together to create a big poster of Kindness Clouds out of individual, hand cut outs. The clouds
Sneaker Activity
"No Matter Our Differences, We all Walk Together". Students will create an individual sneaker to represent themselves. Afterwards, Ask the
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Let's find gratitude! Whether this Scavenger Hunt is done physically or we think about our responses, the effect will be
I AM wheel
Create your own "I AM" Wheel as a part of exploring self awareness! Get inspiration from this ETSY item by
Grateful Gratitude List
Think about what you are grateful for and complete the list using magazines and pictures..
Gratitude and Community Building
Take time to celebrate, express gratitude and reinforce the community you are building! At the end of the year or
Honoring Service Members and First Responders
Take time to honor not only veterans, but active service members and first responders as well.
Hunger Awareness and Action
Hunger and food insecurity are year-round problems in our communities look at what you can do to help bring awareness
Fostering Belonging and Community
The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to focus on Fostering Community and Belonging, making your
Index Card Towers
This community building activity has groups create building "blocks" by finding things they have in common.
Social Media in Real Life
Use the concept of social posts/followers/comments to encourage club members to build community "in real life."
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
Social Wellness Month
July is Social Wellness Month. Strengthen your relationships with friends and loved ones. Take time to make a new friend.
Share A Laugh
Laughter brightens the day! Use this template to share jokes with neighbors, family members, and friends. Find kid-friendly joke suggestions
Sweet Surprise
Use this card to leave anonymous "pick-me-ups" for friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Attach to flowers, treats, bubbles, artwork...
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Support Literacy
The Literacy Coalition is a not-for-profit organization committed to ensuring that every resident of Palm Beach County, Florida is able
Bricks Busting Boredom Donation Drive
Collect and donate new and used Lego sets to local children's hospitals, homeless shelters, and emergency shelters across the United
Scatter Kindness
Spread kindness like confetti! Leave encouraging messages around for friends, family and neighbors to find.
Peace Pledge
Encourage your club members to internalize the message of the peace pledge and share it with their classmates. Middle School/High
Respecting Our Space
Thank the teacher/school/organization that is sharing their space for your meetings.
School Bulletin Board L.E.A.D.
Make a bulletin board in a common area dedicated to the School Officer(s)
Kindness Rock Garden
Advanced club members can try a rock-wrapping as a variation on rock-painting. (Do an internet search for "rock wrap" videos.)
Affirmation Vision Board
Use positive images and messages to build your vision for your future. This project can be done for oneself, family,
Random Acts of Kindness Jar
Track random acts you've performed or received. Get inspiration from others' random acts of kindness. Keep a jar at home,
Cards for Kids Project
A take on Project: Hospital Cheer, the purpose of this project is to create positive affirmations for those in the
Cards for Hospital Workers
Remind your local hospital workers (don't forget sanitation staff/volunteers/receptionists, etc.) that the community is grateful for their expertise and efforts.
Gratitude Journal
A regular gratitude practice has positive effects on our physical and mental well-being, even when we keep those grateful thoughts
Community Poster
This project is designed to positively affirm your community. Bonus: Leave space for community members to contribute to the poster.
Hello Cards
Learning how to say "hi" to others in their language is a great way to be welcoming. Human connection starts
Building Block Activity
This project helps participants to understand the cumulative effects of stress in our days and what happens when we don't
Random Act of Kindness Card
Use this printable Random Acts of Kindness card or create your own. Leave an acknowledgment of the kindness created and
Cereal4All Flyer
Use this flyer template for Cereal4All's donation drive. Please be sure to notify Ambassador Support ( that you will be
Journal Prompts
Choose a prompt or two for use during your meetings or distribute the entire list for club members' personal use.
A Wrinkled Heart
To help demonstrate the impact of hurtful words, this is an activity to use with the book "Chrysanthemum".
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness ROCKS!
Decorate rocks of kindness to illustrate how small acts of kindness can have big effects on people and their community.
Kind Notes to teachers
Come take a peek when a SFL middle school KM365 club wrote and delivered kind notes to their teachers. Be
ELMS Kind Notes Video 2019
Eagles Landing Middle School Kindness Matters 365 club shares kind notes with teachers
Skittles Kindness Game
Get to know your members by playing this fun interactive game! You can use anything that has 5 different colors
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Kindness Into Action: Gratitude
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on gratitude.
Anti-Bullying Pledge
Take the pledge to stand up against bullying. Students can use the attached pledge or create one of their own.
Self-Kindness Intro Project
Create a list of various ways you can take care of your mental and physical health.
Kindness Into Action: Self Kindness
Take a look at different activities to help promote self kindness.
Kindness In Action- Connection and Community
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Kindness to others and the world through community connection and
Kindness in Action-Summer Recharge
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on ourselves as we reconnect with our intention and goals.
“I Am” Bookmark
by decorating a mandala bookmark. "I am" statements help us to affirm who we are, who we aspire to be
Personal Responsibility Super Powers
The kids will decorate their superhero by writing/drawing different ways that they can demonstrate personal responsibility. Since we are all
Gratitude Mandala
Create Gratitude Mandalas reminding students to turn to gratitude and feelings of hope when they are feeling disappointed, overwhelmed, or
Cereal 4 All
Start a collection drive! If you live in Palm Beach County, collect boxes of cereal for Cereal4All. Put Your Kindness
Compassion Cups
Students will work together in order to reinforce the concept of compassion. Students can design individual coffee cups . Then
Compassion Rainbow
Students will work together to create a big poster of Kindness Clouds out of individual, hand cut outs. The clouds
Sneaker Activity
"No Matter Our Differences, We all Walk Together". Students will create an individual sneaker to represent themselves. Afterwards, Ask the
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Let's find gratitude! Whether this Scavenger Hunt is done physically or we think about our responses, the effect will be
I AM wheel
Create your own "I AM" Wheel as a part of exploring self awareness! Get inspiration from this ETSY item by
Grateful Gratitude List
Think about what you are grateful for and complete the list using magazines and pictures..
Gratitude and Community Building
Take time to celebrate, express gratitude and reinforce the community you are building! At the end of the year or
Honoring Service Members and First Responders
Take time to honor not only veterans, but active service members and first responders as well.
Hunger Awareness and Action
Hunger and food insecurity are year-round problems in our communities look at what you can do to help bring awareness
Fostering Belonging and Community
The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to focus on Fostering Community and Belonging, making your
Index Card Towers
This community building activity has groups create building "blocks" by finding things they have in common.
Social Media in Real Life
Use the concept of social posts/followers/comments to encourage club members to build community "in real life."
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
Social Wellness Month
July is Social Wellness Month. Strengthen your relationships with friends and loved ones. Take time to make a new friend.
Share A Laugh
Laughter brightens the day! Use this template to share jokes with neighbors, family members, and friends. Find kid-friendly joke suggestions
Sweet Surprise
Use this card to leave anonymous "pick-me-ups" for friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Attach to flowers, treats, bubbles, artwork...
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Support Literacy
The Literacy Coalition is a not-for-profit organization committed to ensuring that every resident of Palm Beach County, Florida is able
Bricks Busting Boredom Donation Drive
Collect and donate new and used Lego sets to local children's hospitals, homeless shelters, and emergency shelters across the United
Scatter Kindness
Spread kindness like confetti! Leave encouraging messages around for friends, family and neighbors to find.
Peace Pledge
Encourage your club members to internalize the message of the peace pledge and share it with their classmates. Middle School/High
Respecting Our Space
Thank the teacher/school/organization that is sharing their space for your meetings.
School Bulletin Board L.E.A.D.
Make a bulletin board in a common area dedicated to the School Officer(s)
Kindness Rock Garden
Advanced club members can try a rock-wrapping as a variation on rock-painting. (Do an internet search for "rock wrap" videos.)
Affirmation Vision Board
Use positive images and messages to build your vision for your future. This project can be done for oneself, family,
Random Acts of Kindness Jar
Track random acts you've performed or received. Get inspiration from others' random acts of kindness. Keep a jar at home,
Cards for Kids Project
A take on Project: Hospital Cheer, the purpose of this project is to create positive affirmations for those in the
Cards for Hospital Workers
Remind your local hospital workers (don't forget sanitation staff/volunteers/receptionists, etc.) that the community is grateful for their expertise and efforts.
Gratitude Journal
A regular gratitude practice has positive effects on our physical and mental well-being, even when we keep those grateful thoughts
Community Poster
This project is designed to positively affirm your community. Bonus: Leave space for community members to contribute to the poster.
Hello Cards
Learning how to say "hi" to others in their language is a great way to be welcoming. Human connection starts
Building Block Activity
This project helps participants to understand the cumulative effects of stress in our days and what happens when we don't
Random Act of Kindness Card
Use this printable Random Acts of Kindness card or create your own. Leave an acknowledgment of the kindness created and
Cereal4All Flyer
Use this flyer template for Cereal4All's donation drive. Please be sure to notify Ambassador Support ( that you will be
Journal Prompts
Choose a prompt or two for use during your meetings or distribute the entire list for club members' personal use.
A Wrinkled Heart
To help demonstrate the impact of hurtful words, this is an activity to use with the book "Chrysanthemum".
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness ROCKS!
Decorate rocks of kindness to illustrate how small acts of kindness can have big effects on people and their community.
Kind Notes to teachers
Come take a peek when a SFL middle school KM365 club wrote and delivered kind notes to their teachers. Be
ELMS Kind Notes Video 2019
Eagles Landing Middle School Kindness Matters 365 club shares kind notes with teachers
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
DIY Flea Deterrent Spray (Dogs)
Help our canine friends stay pest-free. Please remind participants to check with their pets' veterinarian first if they intend to
Animal Aid | Educating Others
Participants will work with a local organization to learn how to help educate their community and become better stewards for
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
DIY Flea Deterrent Spray (Dogs)
Help our canine friends stay pest-free. Please remind participants to check with their pets' veterinarian first if they intend to
Animal Aid | Educating Others
Participants will work with a local organization to learn how to help educate their community and become better stewards for
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
DIY Flea Deterrent Spray (Dogs)
Help our canine friends stay pest-free. Please remind participants to check with their pets' veterinarian first if they intend to
Animal Aid | Educating Others
Participants will work with a local organization to learn how to help educate their community and become better stewards for
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
DIY Flea Deterrent Spray (Dogs)
Help our canine friends stay pest-free. Please remind participants to check with their pets' veterinarian first if they intend to
Animal Aid | Educating Others
Participants will work with a local organization to learn how to help educate their community and become better stewards for
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
DIY Flea Deterrent Spray (Dogs)
Help our canine friends stay pest-free. Please remind participants to check with their pets' veterinarian first if they intend to
Animal Aid | Educating Others
Participants will work with a local organization to learn how to help educate their community and become better stewards for
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Beach Clean Up
While designed for with an ocean view in mind, this project is perfect for lakes, ponds, rivers and streams too.
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Beach Clean Up
While designed for with an ocean view in mind, this project is perfect for lakes, ponds, rivers and streams too.
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Beach Clean Up
While designed for with an ocean view in mind, this project is perfect for lakes, ponds, rivers and streams too.
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Beach Clean Up
While designed for with an ocean view in mind, this project is perfect for lakes, ponds, rivers and streams too.
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue
Kindness In Action: Why Kindness Matters
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing all about Why Kindness Matters.
Kindness in Action: Self Awareness
Put your kindness into action with activities focusing on Self Awareness.
Kindness In Action: Personal Responsibility
Show your kindness in action with activities all about Personal Responsibility!
Kindness in Action: Optimistic Thinking
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on optimistic thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Help promote and celebrate Random acts of Kindness week every February!
Kindness In Action: Empathy & Compassion
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on empathy and compassion.
Kindness In Action: Understanding and Respecting Others
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on Understanding and Respecting Other.
Kindness In Action: Self Navigation
Put your kindness into action with activities that focus on self- navigation.
Create a Calming Jar
A calming jar helps to teach us how to control our emotions as well as how to self-regulate
Summer Series for Kindness
School may be out for summer, but Gratitude, Kindness and Compassion are year-round!
The Crayon Initiative
The Crayon Initiative collects used crayons from schools, individuals and businesses to remanufacture new crayons and distribute to children's hospitals.
Beach Clean Up
While designed for with an ocean view in mind, this project is perfect for lakes, ponds, rivers and streams too.
This activity will take several meetings and is designed for kids to learn how to take action on an issue