The science behind the magic of our Kindness Matters 365 Curriculum: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) SEL reduces stress, anxiety, and depression Daily life for humans is filled with natural stressors that can be overwhelming. On top of that, add a global pandemic and a national election, and manageable quickly flips…
Category: Type – BLOG
Helping Others
Helping Others by Shari Kline Many of you may be familiar with the Kindness Matters shirts that are sold to support the Kindness Matters 365 Foundation. I have several and wear them often. Not long ago I was wearing my kindness matters tank top as I was shopping for groceries….
Social Awareness
Social Awareness by Laura Reiss Social awareness is the ability to understand others and how they feel. This includes taking the perspective of others, thinking through how other people might feel in a certain situation, appreciating diversity, recognizing emotions, reading body language, and really understanding how other people fit into…
Using GDB (not CBD) to Get Exactly What You Want
Using GDB (not CBD) to Get Exactly What You Want by Karin Levy Gellen How we set and achieve our direction each day can totally impact our happiness. The KM365 curriculum topic this month is Goal Directed Behavior (“GDB” for short) and this concept can help you get exactly…
Sometimes It’s About More Than Taking Out the Trash
Sometimes It’s About More Than Taking Out the Trash Our topic this month is personal responsibility. We need it in all aspects of our lives:family life, work or school life, and social life. It’s defined as our ability to make constructive choices about our own behavior and social interactions with…