Category: Age 2nd – 3rd Grade

Personal Playlist

July 1, 2021 Age 2nd – 3rd Grade

Check-in Activity: What song best represents me right now? What song represented me earlier today? What song do I wish best represented me right now? Check back at meeting’s end:  Would I choose a different song to represent me right now?  Which one?

Superpower Check-In

June 29, 2021 Age 2nd – 3rd Grade

Give participants one of the following prompts to use as their check-in: 1.  The superpower I used today is 2.  The superpower I wish I could have used today is Ask them to draw their answer, write their answer or tell the group.  

Cultivating Joy in Your Life

June 29, 2021 Age 2nd – 3rd Grade

Need a little joy in your life?  Using this Joy Generator from NPR,  you can choose a scenario, including watching cute animal videos, listening to/watching nature, doodling, writing poetry, to spark a little joy in your day.